This is the part where I tell you about myself in 3rd person as if a publicist had written the words following a grueling 17 hour interview. I’m a lawyer by training but I’ve been writing stories since primary school. My first memory of writing seriously was in early high school where a friend and I (Hi Jaime!) filled ream upon ream of blue-lined 3-hole punched foolscap paper with our best Michael Moorcock impersonation. I think Jaime ended up with those pages and I doubt they were any good, but what I do remember is how exciting it was to just sit down, collaborate and create. Wish I still had those pages. I remember parts of that story like it was yesterday. The rest is an impenetrable fog.

At around the same time, my parents bought our first PC. It was a tiny little thing, less powerful than the computer in our blender right now, but it had a word processor and boy, did it process some words. I’ve lost most of those now too, but some of it still remains lodged in cob-webbed memory in the depths (shallows?) of my brain. 

 Bit More About Me (Author Bio)

Meet Andrew J. Savage, an Australian native who now calls Japan home. Andrew’s early life in Australia was marked by close encounters with the continent’s unique fauna, from crocodiles to venomous spiders. Seeking a change of scenery, Andrew set his sights on Japan.

By day, Andrew is an in-house lawyer for a large multinational company, utilizing his language skills to navigate the complex world of corporate compliance. By night, he transforms into a science fiction and fantasy author, crafting tales of alien invasions and disgruntled dragons. He is also one of the co-authors behind the pen name ZZ Adams, known for their science fiction adventure novels, including the acclaimed 8-volume Zero-Point Awakening series.

At home, Andrew faces his greatest challenge yet: raising two children with his wife and keeping up with Max, their mischievous German Shepherd-Shiba Inu mix. In his rare moments of free time, Andrew can be found strumming his guitar or being outwitted by Max.

From navigating legal complexities to spinning fantastical yarns, Andrew embraces the diverse experiences life has to offer, always learning and growing along the way.